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Sage X3: ERP | ERP Software | ERP System

Integrate Your Business. with SAGE X3 - As your business grows. SAGE X3 - CRM: To improve the insight you have of your customers To im...

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Ideal Sage ERP Process Flows

Accelerate core business processes, Integrates business processes – from purchasing to manufacturing, inventory, sales, customer service and financial management – within one cohesive software design

Connects employees, partners, suppliers, and customers to a common data source, streamlining business workflows and improving communication.

Produces real-time analytics and greater insights into costs and operational performance across the organization.

Provides convenient access to critical data on mobile devices to check inventory, take customer orders, approve purchases, and view KPIs.

Delivers simple to manage and highly intuitive workflows that can be customized to meet unique business requirements.

Personalizes screens to improve access to critical data and daily tasks through visual process maps.

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