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Monday 9 January 2017

What’s New with Sage X3 Version 9


Change Control and Version management function enable users to control changes and versions of manufactured products.

With this enhanced functionality, changes to both the product and bill of material are completely traceable.

In many industries, such as food and beverage manufacturing, it is essential to understand what the impact of changes made to a product will be.

Use versioning to manage changes on a product and the bill of material (BOM).

While maintaining traceability throughout the process, version 9 functionalities allow changes to be made to products, the impact of the changes to be reviewed and once reviewed, sent out for approval.


In Logistics, you can now use Sage X3 to optimize freight costs by ordering based on container capacity or purchasing based on order costs.

For example; order additional items to take full advantage of free freight or use Sage X3 to ensure you are adhering to minimum or maximum order amounts.

Should you require more information on the Sage X3 version 9, have questions or need assistance please feel free to contact our Ideal- Sage X3 team; Tel: (+6)03-50331711 | wilsonchong@ideal-c.com | info@ideal-c.com

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